Update, Life and the Olympics

So I’m really really torn. I feel that I have two separate blogging identities, with no similarity of each, except they’re all pretty much the same. Does that make sense? I have three separate blogger.com accounts attached to the same domain, and I have three(one unpublished at the moment) on WordPress with no special domain. I”m really not sure what to do since I want to promote and express myself on both.

Oh well. I guess til I figure it out I’m just going to continue testing and working out my opinions on their work-ability based on what I need.

So, I’ve been watching the Olympic coverage over the last day and I have some opinions about it. Before i write any further, I’d like your opinions first. What did you like about it and what did you hate? I want to know because I want to answer your opinions and create a dialog about it. All subjects are open and we can talk about anything related to the Olympics…Looking forward to hearing about it!


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